Americans vs. European Geography

We took some pretty good ribbing in Finlandia for the entire American populace. It seems the Europeans are awfully tired of us Yankees not having a handle of their Geography. One Dutchie explained it like this, ‘The Americans think there’s Britain, and then everything else is smashed next to Russia.’ Word.

So just for them, here’s a special map…

The Dirty Porn country actually did come up. The trash talk was so prevalent on Saturday night that we had to step in. My, “Dudes! We’re literally sitting right here!” got a belly laugh from Zydrunas so I’ll call it a win. One half of my favorite ‘L’ duo, Laurence Shahlaei quickly piped in that we weren’t included. Good save.

Of course you know Europe Matt, you tear your biceps all over it.

Ervin Katona

Training Log

About tosabarbell

For training opportunities at tosabarbell, call or text Juli at 320-296-9313. e-mail to At tosabarbell, I build relationships cultivated in a strength and learning environment. There is no 12 week magic pill program to strength but rather a lifetime commitment to be the very best and most useful human you can be. tosabarbell is a private, home grown gym with three lifting platforms; squat rack; prowlers; throwing implements; bars, bumpers and everything else needed for an effective strength and conditioning program. Straightforward barbell programming including the Olympic lifts; sound (read: not fancy bullshit) diet advance for weight gain or loss; and strong coaching will ensure you will meet your goals such as becoming stronger, more explosive, and better conditioned. I have been coaching teams and athletes for over 30 years. I grew up participating in various sports at various levels but was always drawn to those that require strength training. I have multiple local, national, and world records in the sports of Weightlifting and Highland Games Heavy Events as well as a combined total of 5 World Championships. My 5 years of training and coaching under Mark Rippetoe provided a wide range of influence from some of the top strength & conditioning and throwing coaches in the country. I will strongly encourage tosabarbell athletes to compete (and prepare you to do so.) However, tosabarbell is also for those who wish to be stronger and go through life feeling better. Matt WanAt is a retired Professional Strongman who competed frequently with Strongman Champions League in Europe. He played a year of D1 football with Iowa before concentrating on his Chemical Engineering degree in Iowa City. He is a native of Wauwatosa and still remains a staunch supporter of Tosa East. This blog will be a mixture of strength notes, coaching and nutrition tips, personal shit; bacon delicacies, and a whole lot of fun.
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1 Response to Americans vs. European Geography

  1. Rumor says:

    Full of salient points. Don’t stop bevinlieg or writing!

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